Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Rhymes}

Activity: Spring Caterpillar by Briana

Theme: Easter          Color: Grey

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 
Description:  Your child will learn how to create words that rhyme with the word spring.

·         Three colors of construction paper
·         Scissors
·         Tape
·         Pen

  1. Cut one large circle out of construction paper.  {Use large circle for the head of the caterpillar}
  2. Cut five smaller circles out of three colors of construction paper. 
  3. Cut two strips of paper out of the scraps to make the antennas.  Using tape, attach the antennas to the caterpillar’s head.
  4. Write the word “spring” on the caterpillar’s head and draw some eyes.
  5. With your child, think of five words that rhyme with spring:
    1. Thing / Ring / Wing / Bring / Sing.
  6. Write these words on the five circles.
  7. Discuss each word with your child:
    1.  Tell your child how the words rhyme with spring.
    2. Spell the words out together.
    3. Make sentences with the words.  
  8. After, have your child tape the circles to the caterpillar’s head to make the body.
  9. Have your child name the Spring Caterpillar and hang it up in the house to display his/her finished piece. 
  1.  Learning Opportunity
  1. Your child will learn words that rhyme with the word spring.
  2. Your child will practice spelling, reading, and making sentences.
  3. Your child will gain confidence while completing the activity. 
Read Aloud:  
Caterpillar Wiggle {By Briana}
{To the tune of Patty Cake}

Caterpillar caterpillar,
I’ll watch you crawl,

You’ll wiggle wiggle wiggle,
Into a tiny ball,

Curl up, squeeze,
And I’ll mark you with a “C”

I’ll put you in the garden so
you can be free!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  Stallone liked making the caterpillar today.  He enjoyed learning the new words that rhymed with spring.  He liked to say the words “thing” and “sing.” He loved putting the caterpillar together and seeing the finished piece!  He says “caterpillar” when he walks by his finished piece.  This is a fun activity to try with your kids!


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