The calendar is a great way for your child to learn about various days, months, seasons, & weather. The consistency of the daily calendar will get your child prepared for school, as the calendar is used in the classroom up to first grade. Get started now, and see how quickly your child will learn from this awesome calendar :)
-1 Calendar kit {Purchase at any teacher supply store or craft store, such as JoAnns}
Note: You can also make the calendar at home, using your own supplies, by using our calendar as a model. Whatever you decide, your calendar will be great!
Use the kit to put the calendar together. You will want to mount the calender on a wall. Add the month, date, numbers, & seasons to your calendar using tape or push-pins.
The activity jar is a great way to have your child pick a fun and creative activity to do on a daily basis. This gives children the freedom of choosing an activity on their own to create with you. It gives your child something to look forward to as well. You can add a variety of your own activities to the jar anytime. You can find your activities by looking at parent magazines, googling teacher websites or kids activities. Each time you make an activity, remembers to add the child's age and date at the bottom, and put it up on a wall in your house to display their great work. As the months go by, you can begin to collect them and before you know it, you will have a great portfolio of your child's activity jar creations!
-1 plastic empty jar with a lid {Big trail mix jar, raisins jar, oatmeal jar, etc.}
-Paper & pen {to write activities down}
-Sharpie {to write on the empty jar}
Wash jar and air dry. Write the child's name and the words "Activity Jar" or "Jar of Fun" on the front of the jar. Write various activities on pieces of paper. Fold them and place inside jar. Each day, have child pick by themselves from the jar and enjoy!