{Kids Corner}
The Kids Corner is designed for the stay-at-home Mom, who wants to prepare their children for preschool. We have created a set of lesson plans for each month. The lesson plans are designed for toddlers but can be changed to meet children's needs from ages 1-5. Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday we will post a lesson plan you can do at home with your children. We will include a description, directions, learning opportunities, and pictures. We want to show you how easy it is to teach your children on a daily basis right in the comfort of your own home. Every day we will have the same routine, but each day will be unique to the month or theme. Bellow is the set routine that we will have. The routine consists of a Daily Opener / Activity / Read Aloud / Activity Jar. If you notice, we will be doing similar things daily, as children learn with repetition. Special Note: The daily Activity will be designed so you can tweak it to match the level of your child. Our routines serve as a guideline for you, so feel free to change anything around to meet your child's needs.
{Kids Corner Schedule}
Daily Opener:
1. Prayer {Say a prayer for the day}
2. Calendar
Use the calender to ask child these questions:
- What Month is it?
-What day of the week is it?
-What day is it? {Count out the day}
-What year is it?
-What season is it?
-What is today's weather?
3. Song {Sing the alphabet with your child / Sing the numbers 1-10 or higher with your child}
Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday we will have a special activity planned. This activity is tailored to meet the monthly theme we select. Each Activity has a LEARNING OPPORTUNITY. A learning opportunity allows you to teach your child something new or reinforce/reteach something they already know.
Read Aloud:
Each activity is accompanied with a read-aloud. This will either be a book you can check-out at the library or a simple poem we found on the Internet. We will always provide the source of where we found the poem or book, as we greatly appreciate and respect the authors of each and will never take credit for something that isn't ours. {We just find it, so you don't have to spend time searching.}
The ACTIVITY JAR is something super fun for all of your children to participate in. At the end of each lesson, children get to pick a special activity from the activity jar that they get to do. This is a great way for the children to stay entertained, create, and have a blast!
{Kids Corner Monthly Calendar}
- Theme: Halloween
-Character: Trustworthy
-Color: Black
- Theme: Thanksgiving
-Character: Trustworthy
-Color: Brown
- Theme: Christmas
-Character: Responsibility
-Color: Brown
- Theme: Snow Days
-Character: Caring
-Color: White
- Theme: Valentine's Day
-Character: Caring
-Color: Pink
- Theme: Saint Patrick's Day
-Character: Citizenship
-Color: Green
- Theme: Easter
-Character: Citizenship
-Color: Grey
- Theme: Blooming Days
-Character: Respect
-Color: Purple
- Theme: Summer Days
-Character: Respect
-Color: Yellow
- Theme: Patriotic Days
-Character: Fairness
-Color: Blue
- Theme: School Days
-Character: Fairness
-Color: Yellow