Kid’s Corner
{Week 5: Opposites}
Activity: Day and Night by Briana
Theme: Saint Patrick’s Day Color: Green
Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!
Daily Opener:
- Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
- Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
- ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.
Description: Your child will learn the differences between day and night.
· 1 light blue construction paper
· 1 black construction paper
· 1 white construction paper
· scissors
· crayons
· Tape
· Pen
- Prep:
- Place blue & black paper on the table.
- Write the word “DAY” on the blue paper and “NIGHT” on the black paper.
- Cut the white paper into 8 squares.
- Draw a sun on one square, a moon on another square, four stars on another square, a bed on another square, and a child playing on another square. Using the crayons to color in each picture.
- Lay out the pictures next to the DAY and NIGHT pieces of paper.
- Explain to your child the differences between day and night & ask them questions along the way:
- During the day we work and play. During the night we sleep.
- What do you see in the sky in the day? {Sun} At night? {Moon & Stars}
- What color is the sky during the day {Blue} Etc.
- Have your child tape the pictures on the correct paper {either DAY or NIGHT}.
- When you are finished, ask your child to describe what they see on the DAY paper, and what they see on the NIGHT paper. This will help them see the difference between the two.
- Place the finished pictures on a wall in your house so your child can show what they have done.
Learning Opportunity :
- Your child will learn how to recognize and spell new words to add to their vocabulary.
- Your child will learn the difference between day and night.
- Your child will gain confidence by completing the activity.
Read Aloud:
Day and Night {By Briana}
During the day we see the sun,
We see the beautiful blue sky,
With clouds up very high,
During the day we get to play,
And jump and run so fast,
We get to eat, and go to class,
During the night we see the moon,
We see the spectacular stars too,
And maybe even get to make a wish,
During the night we go to bed,
And sleep and dream of lots of things,
And then we can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
*Stallone Tested and Approved: TBA