Kid’s Corner
{Week 5: Rhymes}
Theme: Valentines Day Color: Pink
Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together. Enjoy!
Daily Opener:
- Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
- Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
- ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.
Activity: Leap Year Rhymes {Lesson by Briana}
Description: Your child will learn words that rhyme with “Year”
· Red, pink, or white construction paper
· Index cards
· Scissors
· Tape
· Pen
- Describe “Leap Year” to your child.
- Define the word year to your child. Give an example of the word “year” in a sentence.
- Write four words that rhyme with year on index cards.
- Clear, Fear, Near, Tear
- Trace a heart with the pen onto the construction paper.
- Say a word that rhymes with Year. Have your child point to an index card. Spell the word, and use the word in a sentence.
- Example: “Clear” “C-L-E-A-R” “It is a clear day!”
- Have your child cut out the heart.
- Write the word “Leap Year” in the middle of the paper.
- Tape the back of each index card.
- Have your child place each index card on the paper.
- Review each word that rhymes with “year.”
- When you are finished, hang your child’s work up on the wall.
Learning Opportunity :
- Your child will learn how to identify, spell, and pronounce words that rhyme with “year.”
- Your child will improve their skills with using scissors.
- Your child will gain confidence by learning new words.
Read Aloud:
Leap Year {By Briana}
Leap year is here,
Have no fear,
It is that time of year!
Leap year is here,
Oh it is near,
I can’t believe,
leap year is here!
Materials needed.
Let the Rhyming begin!
Our sentences.
"Leap Year, leap year!"
"Rhyming is fun!"
Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you. We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:
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