Kid’s Corner
{Week 5: Rhymes}
Theme: Thanksgiving Color of the Month: Brown
Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together. Enjoy!
Daily Opener:
- Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
- Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
- ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.
Activity : Thanksgiving Hat {Lesson created by Briana}
Description: Children will learn words that rhyme with Hat.
-Construction Paper
-Pictures or drawings of words {cat, mat, hat, bat, rat, nat}
1. Place the words on the index/paper cards in the hat.
2. Spread out all the pictures or drawings of the six words on the table. Make sure each picture/drawing can be easily seen clear;y.
3. Have child pick a word out of the hat.
4.Have them say the word {Example "cat"}
5.Ask them to match up the word {example "cat"} with the picture they see on the table.
6.Have them place the card on-top or next to the picture.
7.Repeat until all six cards have been drawn out of the hat and placed on the correct picture.
Learning Opportunity: Rhyming
-The child will learn what words rhyme with hat.
-The child will become familiar with the spelling of each word.
-The child will practice problem solving by figuring out how to match the word with the picture.
Read Aloud:
On Thanksgiving Day
Mother makes dinner.
Grandma brings the pies.
Father carves the turkey.
And I will tell you why. Today is very special
We're thankful, so we say,
"Peace and love to everyone"
It's Thanksgiving Day!
Poem by Jean Warren
Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}
Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you. We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:
Today's activity was one of Stallone's favorite's so far. He loved matching the words to the pictures, and also going over the letters on the different words. Another success!!