Friday, July 27, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Music}

                       Activity: Painting with Music
Lesson by Annie

Theme: Patriotic Days   Color: Red

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will practice painting to music by stroking their paintbrush to the tempo of the music.

  • CD Player {with child’s favorite music}
  • Construction Paper
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush

1. Turn on your child’s favorite song, together listen to the music. Talk about the “tempo” of the song, is it slow, medium, or fast?
2. Using construction paper, paint, paintbrush, and the music have with your child practice painting to the “tempo.” If it’s a “fast” tempo move the brush quickly, if it’s “slow” move the brush slowly and so on.
3. On their own. Have your child practice painting to the tempo, they may still need your guidance.
4.  Have fun with the activity, use various colors to make a colorful art piece!
*Opitional: You could have your child stand up and move to the music at the end. Moving slow, medium, or fast depending on the tempo of your song!
Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will learn the “tempo” of a song.
2.            Your child will practice painting to the “tempo” of the song.
3.            Your child will gain confidence in participating in this activity.

Read Aloud: 
Sparkler Song
Tune:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It”

Wave your sparkler way up high, way up high.

Wave your sparkler way up high, way up high.

Wave your sparkler way up high,
Like fireworks in the sky.

Wave your sparkler way up high, way up high.

Jean Warren

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: We love music in this household! Stallone had a hard time not dancing while doing this activity. I did help him as the song played and we moved the brush to the tempo, he got a quick out of that! H e did catch on towards the end and had a great time! Fun activity! 
Tempo Painting

Materials Needed

Listening to the music while choosing his music. 

Finished Piece

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Self Esteem}

                       Activity: ABC’s Writing
Lesson by Annie

Theme: Patriotic Days   Color: Red

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will practice their ABC’s while reciting and writing out each letter in the alphabet while praising them for a job well done!

  • A Piece of Construction Paper
  • Black Marker
  • Any Color of Tempura Paint {preferably red}
  • Paper Plate
  • Q-Tip

1. On the blank piece of paper, write out the Alphabet in all capital letters.
2. Recite the alphabet, then have your child practice reciting the alphabet on their own.
3. Place a small amount of paint on the paper plate and have your child dip one end of the Q-Tip in the paint then tracing over the first letter in the alphabet. Once the letter is done continue until all letters have been traced.
4.  This is a self esteem lesson, so be sure to praise your child throughout the lesson for a job well done! Let’s keep their confidence up!
Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will practice reciting the alphabet.
2.            Your child will practice their handwriting skills.
3.            Your child will gain confidence in participating in this activity.

Read Aloud: 
The Red White and Blue
(sung to "When the Saints Come Marching In")
Oh, when the flag comes marching in,

Oh, when the flag comes marching in,

How I love to see its three colors,

The red, white, and blue.

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: What a great activity! Stallone loved tracing the letters using a Q-Tip and paint! Very easy and simple way to teach the letters and handwriting. I thought next time I would do this lesson with his name, so he would get practice writing his name! Yay for Creative Minds!
Tracing the Alphabet

Materials Needed

Write out the Alphabet before beginning the lesson

Monday, July 23, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Language}

                       Activity: Patriotic Connect-the-Dot
Lesson by Annie

Theme: Patriotic Days   Color: Red

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will practice their handwriting, while spelling words that represent this great country.

  • Five Pieces of Computer Paper
  • Red, Black, and Blue Marker
  • Ruler or Straight Edge {of some sort}
1. On the blank pieces of paper and the black marker, draw three lines horizontally across the paper: one solid straight line, one broken up line, and another solid straight line {See image below}.
2. Using the following five patriotic words: USA, FLAG, RED, WHITE, and BLUE, write one word per paper in a “connect-the-dot” format {see image below}.
3. Alternating between the RED and BLUE marker, have your child trace the following six patriotic words {If your child needs help, trace the words with them}.
4.  Once all words are done, read and explain to your child how each word represents this wonderful country.
Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will practice their handwriting skills.
2.            Your child will learn 5 new patriotic words.
3.            Your child will gain confidence in participating in this activity.

Read Aloud: 

Red, white and blue,

Red, white and blue

These are the colors in our flag

Red, white and blue

Red, white and blue

These are the colors in our flag

We live here in the United States, everyone jump and shout hurray (hurray!)
Red, white and blue, Red, white and blue
These are the colors in our flag!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: Connect-the-dots la la what I kept sinigng as my son traced the letters...thanks Pee Wee! This was a first for Stallone, so Mommy helped him by holding his hand the majority of the time. the question was is he a righty or a lefty. He uses his left hand a lot, so we switched between the two. Another "fabo" idea, is to have them trace the letters using their index finger. Talking about these "patriotic words" sunk in a lot better,  for "patriotic" has been our monthly theme..Ding! Ding! Ding! Fun and EASY activity to do with your children, try it out!! 
A few finished pieces

Materials needed

Homemade word strips

Dots are to be connected!

Friday, July 20, 2012

{Week 3: Science/Discovery}

Activity: Matching Patriotic Colors by Briana
{Inspired by}

Theme: Patriotic Days         Color: Blue

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.       Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.      Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.          ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will observe and discover how to match color hues.   

·          Set of two Red, Blue and Cream paint color hue samples. {Found at hardware stores}
·          Scissors

1.      Cut the paint samples to create a few pairs of red, blue, and cream to use for the lesson.
                  {Be sure to have at least five pairs to work with}.
2.      Discuss with your child that colors can have different hues.  Some can be lighter and darker. 
a.      Example:  Red / Dark Red / Light Red                   
3.      Discuss with your child that today they will be finding the matching pair to the color hues.
4.      Demonstrate how to find the matching color hue. 
5.      Help your child find the matching pairs.  Be sure to encourage them by providing positive comments. 
6.      When your child completes the matching activity, ask your child a few questions:
a.      What is the darkest color? / What is the lightest color? / What color is your favorite?
b.      How many make up a pair? / How many pairs do you have?
7.      When finished, praise your child for a job well done!

Learning Opportunity
1.   Your child will practice observing while matching the color hues.
2.  Your child will discover new colors while completing the activity.
3.   Your child will gain confidence while participating in the activity.

Read Aloud:  
Colors {By Briana}

Colors can be light,
Colors can be dark,
Just like the sky in the night,

Colors can be bold,
Colors can be shiny,
Just like silver and gold,

Colors can be soft,
Colors can be bright,
Just like a yellow shining light,

Colors can be colorful,
Colors can be fun,
Colors make our world beautiful!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  Some of Stallone’s favorite lessons here at CM are the ones that have matching and pairing activities.  Today, he had a blast matching the different color hues.  He really likes red, so he matched those hues first.  He was so excited when he would match the color hues, and it was so fun to watch him during the activity.  This is a great lesson to try with your child!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Thursday Creative Minds friends!  Check out B's Style page to view the new June & July posts for some summer fashion and dog cuteness!  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 3: Rhymes}

Activity: Flag Rhymes by Briana

Theme: Patriotic Days         Color: Blue

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.
Description:  Your child will learn words that rhyme with “flag” by using the –ag chunk.

·         Red, White, and Blue Construction Paper
·         Scissors
·         Pen
·         Tape or Glue {not pictured}

  1. Cut a rectangle out of the blue construction paper.  
  2. Cut four long strips out of the red construction paper.
  3. Write “__ag” on the blue rectangle, and the four strips of red paper. 
  4. Next, write in the letters “Fl” onto the blue rectangle.  Tell your child that they will learn new words that rhyme with “flag” which are apart of the –ag chunk.
  5. Write in each new word one at a time on the red strips:
    1. Bag
    2. Rag
    3. Tag
    4. Wag
  6. Then, have your child spell each word and use each word in a sentence.   
  7. Have your child arrange the blue rectangle and red strips of paper onto the white paper to make an American flag.  Glue or tape the pieces in place. 
  8. Have your child talk about what they made.
  9. When finished, display your child’s finished Flag Rhymes in the home to show the family!
Learning Opportunity
  1. Your child will learn words that rhyme with “flag.”
  2. Your child will practice spelling and creating sentences.
  3. Your child will gain confidence while completing the activity.
Read Aloud:  
American Flag {By Briana}

The American flag is red,
The American flag is white,
The American flag is also blue,

The American flag has stars,
The American flag has stripes,
The American flag represents me and you!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  Today’s rhyming activity was fun and patriotic.  Stallone liked learning the new words that rhyme with “flag.”  He loved the word “wag” as he would point to our dog’s tails and say “wag.”  It was too cute!  He liked arranging the red strips of paper and making the American Flag.  This is a great lesson, as it helps teach new words and allows your child to practice their rhyming skills. 
