Monday, January 30, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Cooking }

Theme: Snow Days          Color: White

Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together.  Enjoy!

Daily Opener:  

  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.

Activity: Marshmallow Snowmen {Lesson by Briana}

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Opposites }

Theme: Snow Days          Color: White

Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together.  Enjoy!

Daily Opener:  

  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.

Activity: Opposite Fun {Lesson by Annie}

Description:  Children will visually learn various opposite expressions and movements while creating an artistic book.

-       Magazines
-       White computer paper
-       Glue
-       Scissors
-       Sharpe or pen
-       Stapler

1.     Look through various magazines and cut out images of people with the following expressions: Happy, Sad, Silent, Talking, Running, Walking, Silly, Mad, Fingers, Toes, Laughing, and Crying. 
                              {If images can’t be found, simply drawing a picture will work}.
  1. Fold Computer paper in half like a “taco” and cut in half, creating two pieces. Repeat this with a new piece of paper, so in the end you will have 14 pieces of paper.
  2. On one of the pieces of paper, create a cover for your book, be sure to write the “Opposites, your child’s name, and date” somewhere on it.
  3. With your child, at the top of each paper, write the following words, one word per paper: HAPPY, SAD, SILENT, TALKING, RUNNING, WALKING, SILLY, MAD, FINGERS, TOES, LAUGHING, and CRYING.
  4. Once all the words are written, staple them all together, in that order, creating a book.
  5. Start creating your illustrations, starting with “HAPPY,” glue on your “happy” picture below the text. Have your child use their index finger to trace over the letters spelling the word. Repeat this process until all pages are created.
  6. Once book is finished, reread it to your child while praising them for all the great work they did.
  7. Enjoy the book for the days to come!
Learning Opportunity: Size and Sort
-Your child will learn basic every day “opposites.”
-Your child will learn new text to “opposite” words.
-Your child will learn how to create and illustrate their very own book.
 -Your child will practice reading aloud.

Read Aloud:  

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands
{Clap hands twice}

 If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands
{Clap hands twice}

If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
{Clap hands twice}

If you're happy and you know it,
Tap your toe
{Tap toes twice}

If you're happy and you know it,

Tap your toe
{Tap toes twice}
If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Tap your toe.
{Tap toes twice}
If you're happy and you know it,

Nod your head
{Nod head}
If you're happy and you know it,

Nod your head
{Nod head}

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Nod your head.
(Nod head)
If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands
{Clap hands twice}

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands
{Clap hands twice}

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.
{Clap hands twice}
If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.
{Clap hands twice}
 Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn?  We’d love to hear your thoughts!           

*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you.  We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Math }

Theme: Snow Days          Color: White

Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together.  Enjoy!

Daily Opener:  

  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.
Activity: Snowball Addition  {Lesson by Annie} 

Description:  Children will learn how to use addition while using snowballs to help them creatively comprehend the additional method.


-       A bag of cotton balls.
-       White computer paper
-       Glue
-       Sharpe or pen

1.     Depending on the math knowledge of your child, write the word “ADDITION” at the top of your piece of computer paper.
2. Write the problems: {1 + 1 =} {1 + 2 =} {1 + 3 =} {1 + 4 =}  {Problems will vary with your child’s knowledge} Leave enough room in between each problem to glue on the snowballs {cotton balls}.
3. Somewhere on the paper draw three connecting circles to represent a “snowman.”
4. With your child start problems, glue on a cotton ball vertically underneath the numbers to represent snowballs. {For example 1 + 2 = 3 would have one cotton ball glued under the one, two cotton balls under the two, and three cotton balls under the three..See images below}.
5. Once all problems are finished review and reflect on the lesson, having the child independently counting while pointing to the cotton balls.
6.Create your numerical snowman. Fill in the three circles by counting how many cotton balls it takes to fill in the circles. Write the number next to each circle, then glue down the cotton balls in the circles making a snowman. Draw a hat and stick arms/hands to finish the snowman off.
7. Hang finished piece up on a wall or refridgerator for your child to enjoy and review. 

{You may be practicing subtraction or multiplication, with that you’d write that word on the top of the paper}.

Learning Opportunity: Math

-Your child will learn the basics to the addition method.
-Your child will will visually connect adding numbers by using cotton balls. 
-Your child will see and trace a new mathematical word(s).
-Your child will gain confidence while participating in this arithmetic activity. 

Read Aloud:  

My Dog Addition

I got a new dog,Addition's his name,
He got really fat,
Eating's his game!

Doubles his weight,
Thinks doggie food,
Is tasty and great...
4 pounds,
What he weighed,
But added 
4 more,8 pounds,
So fat,
Couldn't squeeze out the door...

8 pounds was light,
So he added 
8 more,
The sum was 
His teeth were quite sore...
16's enough!
You want to get fatter?
16 more pounds,
Is something the matter?

The sum was real big,
The sum made me mad,
16 + 16
But addition was glad!
32 pounds,
He looked like a hog,
Couldn't get him to walk,
Go swimming, or jog!!
He kept adding, and adding, and adding,
More pounds,
Until his stomach did gurgle,
With groaning-type sounds!!!
Now Addition's so big,
It's just a sad fact,
I'll need dog, Addition,
To learn to subtract...

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn?  We’d love to hear your thoughts!           

*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you.  We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Size/Sort }

Theme: Snow Days          Color: White

Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together.  Enjoy!

Daily Opener:  

  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.

Activity: Likes and Differences {Lesson by Annie}

Description:  Children will learn how to sort different objects by their colors, characteristics, and sizes.


-       3 objects all the same color.
-       3 objects all the same kind.
-       3 objects all the same size.
-       3 object that will be opposite from your previous objects.
-       Word Strips made out of computer paper.
-       Sharpe or pen


    1. Place all four objects (same color) and one different on the table in front of the child.

  1. Write descriptive words on the word strips. {For example, the colors they see may be RED and BLACK, so you would write RED on one word strip and BLACK on another}.
  2. Say and spell the words with your child.  Have them trace each letter with their finger.
  3. With all four objects on the table, have your child pick out the object that is different.
{If a child picks out an object that is not the intended object to be different, have them explain to you why they picked it out? If they have a good reason, then tell them they are correct. Sometimes preschoolers will point out speific details}

  1. Repeat steps 1 through 4, with new objects found in your home. Use objects, so that child will sort by their colors, characteristics, and sizes.
  2. Discuss the three vocabulary words in detail: COLOR, CHARACTERISTIC, and SIZE. What does each of these words mean? Give examples of each vocabulary word?
  3. Have your child reflect on what they had learned in today’s lesson.

Learning Opportunity:

1. Your child will learn the differences between the vocabulary words: Colors, Characteristics, and Sizes.
2. Your child will see and spell words involving the lesson.
3. Your child will become familiar with sorting.
4. Your child will learn to discuss what he/she did today in the activity.

Read Aloud:  
Sorting {By George Ansell}

Green ones go with green ones 
Red ones go with red 
Mrs Smith gets cross if we put 
Blue ones in instead. 

Yellow goes with yellow 
Grey belongs with grey - 
When she cooks her dinner 
Does she do it the same way? 

Bananas do taste very nice
Topped off with yellow custard, 
But what of yellow lemons with 
A blob of yellow mustard? 

And what about red strawberries? 
They're wonderful, of course, 
But do you think she covers them 
With red tomato sauce? 

Sorting things by colour 
Seems to me a dreadful waste. 
Life would be much sweeter 
If we sorted things by taste. 

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn?  We’d love to hear your thoughts!           

*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you.  We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:

Stallone was definitely a little preoccupied today while doing the lesson. He is getting over a cold, and the fact that today's lesson involved "cars" he wanted to hold them and run them off the dining room table rather than participate in the lesson. Nevertheless, we got through it, there is nothing like a little "bribery" that won't fix a problem, in this case it was a pack of "fruit snacks" that got us through the lesson successfully. :) I loved this lesson, for it involved little to none new materials, just a few of your child's toys. 

Materials used for the "same color" sorting

Materials used for the "same kind" sorting

Materials used for the "same size" sorting

All materials needed

Stallone wanted to hold all the cars at first..his favorite!

Lining them back up

Tracing over the word "Green" from the "same color" activity

Saying the letters as he traced over them

Really got into it, it does not always run this smooth with my 2 year old :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 3: PE - Coordination}

Theme: Snow Days          Color: White

Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together.  Enjoy!

Daily Opener:  

  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.

Activity: Snowball Toss {Lesson by Briana}

Description:  Children will learn how to throw objects at various distances.

-         Snowballs or white whiffle balls or golf balls
-         Three buckets or baskets

  1. Place the buckets or baskets at three different distances from your child.
    1. One bucket will be close
    2. One bucket will be further away
    3. One bucket will be the furthest away
  2. Hand your child a whiffle or golf ball {if you live where there is snow, hand them a snowball}. 
  3. Have your child toss the ball underhand and try to make it into the basket or bucket.
  4. Have your child toss the ball into all three buckets. This will help them learn distances and practice their throwing.
  5. Be sure to praise your child at whatever level they are at.  This will build their confidence and self esteem.
  6. When child is finished, tell them what a great job they did! 
 Learning Opportunity:
  1. Your child will use their motor skills to learn how to throw a ball.
  2. Your child will become familiar with different distances.
  3. Your child will gain confidence by learning to throw the ball.
  4. Your child will gain self esteem when you praise them during the activity.
 Read Aloud:  

Winter Snow {By Briana}

It snows in the wintertime, all season long
And makes the town pretty and strong

I like to make snowmen and a big snowball
It is fun to throw the snowball and watch it fall

I like to sled down the snowy hill
And my cat watches me from the windowsill

It snows in the wintertime, all season long
And when I see snow, I like to sing winter a winter song

And when the snow melts and goes away
I can’t wait for next winter, so I can snow play!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn?  We’d love to hear your thoughts!           

*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you.  We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:


Setting up

Throwing balls into the tub

Throwing balls