Friday, June 29, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Music}
Inspired by Teacher’s Net

Activity: Days of the Week
Lesson by Annie

Theme: Summer Days    Color: Yellow

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will learn a song that teaches the days of the week.

  • Computer Paper
  • Scissors
  • Sharpe
  • Your Voice/Your Enthusiasm

1. Explain to your child that they will learn and practice a song that teaches the days of the week.
2. Cut out seven word strips from your computer paper, and write out the days of the week, one day per strip.
3. With your child, go over the days of the week, starting with Monday through Sunday. Distinguish the difference between “weekdays” and “weekends.” Talk about what days are school days and workdays.
4. Lay out days in order infront of your child and sing the song below:
{To help children learn the days of the week in order, sing to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..."}
Every week has 7 days, yes it does.

Every week has 7 days, yes it does.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Every week has 7 days, yes it does. (clap, clap)
And today is (name of the day 2x), yes it is.

And today is (name of the day 2x), yes it is.

And today is (name of the day 2x)

Yes today is (name of the day 2x)

And today is (name of the day 2x) yes it is.
5. Repeat song and have your child clap and sing along! Have fun learning the days of the week!
Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will practice learning the days of the week.
2.            Your child will learn the difference between weekdays, weekends, school days, and workdays.
3.            Your child will participate in a song while singing and clapping to the days of the week.

Read Aloud: 
Here It Comes
Here comes summer Here comes summer

Chirping Robins, budding roses

Here comes summer
 Here comes summer

Gentle showers, summer clothes

Here comes summer
 Here comes summer

Whoosh-shiver there it goes
-Faith Long

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: Singing, singing, and more singing! My son made Mommy sing through the entire week..which was great! What a fun Friday morning starter! We will definitely be singing this song again and again! I was really proud of Stallone for knowing most days, for I felt like our morning calendar practice has paid off! Yay, for CM!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Self Esteem}

Activity: Sunny the Happy Sun
Lesson by Annie

Theme: Summer Days    Color: Yellow

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will talk and learn about various emotions while creating Sunny the Happy Sun.


Paper plate
Yellow Tissue paper
Yellow Paint
Black construction paper

1. Talk about the word “Emotion” with your child. Discuss how our emotions can make a person feel: happy, sad, scared, nervous, excited etc. Give examples. Ask your child how they may be feeling at the time? Talk about an emotion your child may most likely feel?
2. Create Sunny the “happy” sun. Using a paper plate and yellow paint, have your child paint one side of the entire plate yellow {see picture}.
3. While paint is drying, cut out of black construction paper a “happy” smile big enough to fit in the center of your plate and cut out two eyes for above the smile.  Cut out medium size rectangles out of the yellow tissue paper enough to glue around the entire plate.
4. Once paint is dry, glue on rectangles around the plate {see picture}, glue on “happy” smile and eyes on the center of the painted side. Your Sunny, the “happy” sun, should be complete!
5. Praise your child for a job well done and be sure to let them know that like Sunny, you LOVE TO SEE THEM SMILE and be HAPPY! It’s their best emotion!

Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will learn the word “emotion” and characteristics to the feeling.
2.            Your child will learn how to make a “happy” sun.
3.            Your child will gain confidence in participating in this activity.

Read Aloud: 
The Sun
The sun is yellow

The sun is orange

The sun is bright

The sun is our heater

The sun is our fire

The sun is our light

Let me ask you a question, 

What do you think of the sun?

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: FABULOUS simple as that!

Materials Needed..there is a piece of black construction paper under that plate.

Painting the plate.

Painted plate.

Gluing on the tissue..the only color we had was red, it worked.

Finished Sunny the "happy" sun! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Language}

Activity: Word Recognition
Lesson by Annie
Inspired by: Family Eduction

Theme: Summer Days    Color: Yellow

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will practice word recognition using simple words and photographs.


Index cards
Pen or marker
Old magazines
Photographs (optional)

1.  Once your child can recognize the letters of the alphabet, you may want to start practicing simple word recognition.
2.  On one set of index cards, write some simple words, such as cat, dog, or bird.
3.  On another set, draw or cut out magazine pictures that illustrate the words you have chosen.
4.  Lay all the cards on the table, face up, and have your child match each word to the corresponding picture.
5.  Try name recognition by using photographs of your child, siblings, friends, relatives, and so on.
6.  Write the name of each person on an index card and have your child match the photo to the appropriate name.

Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will practice relating words to photographs.
2.            Your child will practice word recognition, which helps with future reading.
3.            Your child will gain confidence participating in this activity.

Read Aloud: 
Summer Morning
I saw dawn creep across the sky,
And all the gulls go flying by.
I saw the sea put on its dress

Of blue midsummer loveliness,

And heard the trees begin to stir

Green arms of pine and juniper.

I heard the wind call out and say:

“Get up, my dear, it is today!”

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: I had first orginally wanted to use magazine pictures for my words, but had "no luck" while looking through my "Parenting" magazines, so I did the best next thing and just drew. The pictures were not too difficult to draw, well, maybe the dog was for!  Stallone lOVED this activity too, he was very quick to match the picture to the word, though I did not know how he was going to do with out me reading the words to him. I simply laid out two words at a time, in the beginning, then a picture and he matched the picture to the word, we then read the word out loud and went over each letter in the word. As the activity went on, I increased the words and pictures, by the end he had all four pictures and words laid out, and he was matching them all! Yay! Simple but important activity to be doing to prepare our little ones for reading! I plan on doing this activity again and again, each time increasing the words! 

Materials Needed

Homemade Index Cards

Matched the picture to the word "Bird!" He wanted to get rid of "Dog."

Very proud of his work!

Friday, June 22, 2012

{Week 4: Science}

Activity: Tree Finds by Briana

Theme: Blooming Days         Color: Purple

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.       Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.      Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will observe and discover things that come from a tree.

·          Tree finds {sticks, leaves, bark, pinecones, flowers, ect.}.
·          Small container
·          Piece of Paper
·          Pen

1.       Write the word “Tree Finds” at the top of the piece of paper.
2.    Take the container along with you as you and your child go on a nature walk.
3.      While walking, discuss and observe the many trees all around.
4.      Ask your child:  What do you think you will find on the trees?
5.      On your walk, ask you child to find some things that come from a tree.
6.    Be sure to assist your child by asking questions to help:
      a.  What is on the trees?
       b.  What is on the ground by the trees?  Did they come from the trees?
      c.   What kinds of things did you find.
7.    Have your child collect the items as you go along on your nature walk.
8.  When finished, go inside and discuss the items you and your child found.
9.  Ask your child some questions about the items:
      a. What did you find?
      b. {Point to an item} What is this called?
      c.  Can you spell {____}?
10.  When finished, praise your child for a job well done!

Learning Opportunity
1.   Your child will observe and discover things that come from a tree.
2.  Your child will learn new words during the activity.
3.   Your child will gain confidence while discovering new items along the nature walk.

Read Aloud:  
The Tree {By Briana}

The tree is terrifically tall today,
The tree is terrifically tall,

The tree is gorgeously green today,
The tree is gorgeously green,

The tree is big and bushy today,
The tree is big and bushy,

The tree is super shady today,
The tree is super shady,

The tree is lively and lovely today,
The tree is lively and lovely everyday!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  Stallone loves participating in CM’s {Creative Minds} Science lessons, as he enjoys observing and discovering new things.  He had such a fun time going on our nature walk and exploring our plush trees all around.  He was excited to find a few things that come from a tree.  His favorite word to say today was “pinecohhhne.”  This was such a great science lesson!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Rhymes}

Activity: The Sun by Briana

Theme: Blooming Days         Color: Purple

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.       Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.      Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Your child will learn how to make words that rhyme with “sun.”

·          One piece of orange and yellow construction paper
·          Tape
·          Scissors
·          Pen

1.       Cut a circle out of the orange construction paper and set aside.
2.      Cut five strips out of the yellow paper to make the word strips. 
3.      Write the word “Sun” on the orange circle.
4.      On each yellow strip write the following, including the underscore:
                        a. /__un / __un / __un /__un / __un /
5.      Discuss with your child that they will be learning five new words that rhyme with the word “sun.”  Show them that the sound –un is repeated in every word to make the rhyming sound.
6.      Discuss the word “sun” with your child.  Use it in a sentence and spell the word together. 
7.      Now, add a letter to the front of each __un strip to make a new word.  Discuss each new word as you go along for further development.
                  a. /fun / run / bun /nun / stun /
8.      Next, place tape at the ends of each word strip.
9.      Have your child tape each word strip on the sun to make the sun rays!
10.  When finished, have your child talk about his sun and the words on it.  Add this great activity to a wall at home for your child to display! 

Learning Opportunity
1.                   Your child will learn how to make words that rhyme with “sun.”
2.                  Your child will practice their spelling skills during the activity.
3.                  Your child will practice their coordination while adding the rays to the sun.

Read Aloud:  
The Sun {By Briana}

The sun is round,
It is yellow and bright,
You can see it all around,
It goes away at night,

The sun is big,
It’s a glowing ball,
It’s as happy as a pig,
And it shines on the wall,

The sun is my favorite,
Star of all!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  Today’s activity was so much fun, as we really enjoy watching Stallone’s vocabulary grow.  Lessons like these are great ways to build word knowledge and vocabulary.  Stallone really enjoyed saying the rhyming words and his favorite was “run.”  He loved placing the sun rays on the sun.  He proudly showed his new sun to his mom and dad. 
