Friday, March 30, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Opposites}

Activity: Day and Night by Briana

Theme: Saint Patrick’s Day          Color: Green

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 
Description:  Your child will learn the differences between day and night.

·         1 light blue construction paper
·         1 black construction paper
·         1 white construction paper
·         scissors
·         crayons
·         Tape
·         Pen

  1. Prep:
    1. Place blue & black paper on the table.
    2. Write the word “DAY” on the blue paper and “NIGHT” on the black paper.
    3. Cut the white paper into 8 squares.
    4. Draw a sun on one square, a moon on another square, four stars on another square, a bed on another square, and a child playing on another square.  Using the crayons to color in each picture.
  2. Lay out the pictures next to the DAY and NIGHT pieces of paper.
  3. Explain to your child the differences between day and night & ask them questions along the way:
    1. During the day we work and play.  During the night we sleep.
    2. What do you see in the sky in the day? {Sun} At night? {Moon & Stars}
    3. What color is the sky during the day {Blue} Etc.
  4. Have your child tape the pictures on the correct paper {either DAY or NIGHT}.
  5. When you are finished, ask your child to describe what they see on the DAY paper, and what they see on the NIGHT paper.  This will help them see the difference between the two.  
  6. Place the finished pictures on a wall in your house so your child can show what they have done. 
Learning Opportunity
  1. Your child will learn how to recognize and spell new words to add to their vocabulary.
  2. Your child will learn the difference between day and night.
  3. Your child will gain confidence by completing the activity. 
Read Aloud:  
Day and Night {By Briana}

During the day we see the sun,
We see the beautiful blue sky,
With clouds up very high,

During the day we get to play,
And jump and run so fast,
We get to eat, and go to class,

During the night we see the moon,
We see the spectacular stars too,
And maybe even get to make a wish,

During the night we go to bed,
And sleep and dream of lots of things,
And then we can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  TBA

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Math}

Activity: Shamrock Counting by Briana

Theme: Saint Patrick’s Day          Color: Green

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 
Description:  Your child will learn to count objects from 1 – 5.

·         5 cups
·         green construction paper
·         scissors
·         Pen

  1. Place the five cups on a table in a line. 
  2. Using the pen, write the individual numbers on each cup from 1-5.
  3. Using the pen, trace a small shamrock on the green construction paper.
  4. Cut out 15 shamrocks to use for the activity.
  5. Place the shamrocks in a pile on the table, next to the cups.
  6. Have your child point to the number 1 cup.
  7. Have them place one shamrock in the cup.
  8. Repeat for cups 1 -5. {You can vary the numbers depending on your child’s level}.
  9. When your child has placed all the shamrocks in each cup, ask your child a few questions:
    1. Example:  Can you tell me how many shamrocks are in this {point} cup? What is this number? Etc.
  10. When you are all finished, be sure to praise your child for a job well done! 
Learning Opportunity
  1. Your child will practice counting objects.
  2. Your child will practice learning number recognition.
  3. Your child will gain confidence by completing the activity. 
Read Aloud:  
How many Shamrocks {By Briana}

I have one shamrock, two shamrocks,
Now I have three,
Oh how lucky can I be,

I have four shamrocks, five shamrocks,
Now I have six,
I can add more to the mix,

I have seven shamrocks, eight shamrocks,
Now I have nine,
All these shamrocks are mine!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved:  Stallone had a great time with the lesson today.  He liked counting out each shamrock and placing each shamrock into the cup.  When we finished with the lesson, he was saying "one, two, three, four, five" throughout the morning.  This is a great activity that can be modified to meet your child's math level!  


Monday, March 26, 2012

Check out B's Style page for the new {B into Spring} post for some spring fashion!
Kid’s Corner

{Week 5: Size/Sorting}

Activity: Flower Sorting by Briana

Theme: Saint Patrick’s Day          Color: Green

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 
Description:  Your child will learn to sort different kinds of flowers from a nature walk.

·         Basket or container {for nature walk}
·         Flowers/blossoms {variety of sizes and colors}
·         Seven index cards
·         Pen

  1. Using an index card write the word Flower.  Explain that you and your child will be going on a nature walk and need to find different sizes and colors of flowers to bring home.
    1. Using your basket, go on a nature walk and find some great flowers...have fun!
  2. When you return set the flower basket on a table.
  3. Using three separate index cards write the words: Small / Medium / Large.
  4. Take a look at the colors of flowers you found and pick three colors to write on separate index cards {This will vary depending on the colors you found.}
    1. Example:  White / Yellow / Purple
  5. Next, spread out the six cards on the table.
  6. Have your child sort the flowers out and arrange them in the correct category. 
  7. When finished, have your child talk about how they sorted the flowers.
    1. Example:  Where did you put the yellow flower?  Which flower is small?  Which flower is large? Etc. 
Learning Opportunity
  1. Your child will practice sorting different items into the correct category.
  2. Your child will learn the difference between objects that are small, medium, and large.
  3. Your child will learn how to observe the environment around them. 
Read Aloud:  
Spring Flower {By Briana} 

Today I went for a walk,
And found a pretty spring flower,
If only a flower could talk…

I bet it would tell me its color,
I bet it would sing me its name,
If only a flower could talk.

Today I put my spring flower,
In a pretty white vase,
If only a flower could talk…

I bet it would tell me it’s thirsty,
I bet it would sing me a song,
If only a flower could talk.

Today I showed my family my spring flower,
I told them all about it,

My spring flower is yellow,
It’s very thirsty and fun,
Its pretty name is paisley
And it's a beautiful spring daisy!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: Stallone loved completing the lesson today.  He had a wonderful time walking outside in the beautiful spring weather.  He really enjoyed finding flowers along the way.  We found a lot of yellow, white, and purple flowers on our nature walk.  He liked figuring out how to sort the flowers when we got home.  This is a great lesson to practice size and sorting! 

Some flowers along the nature walk

Flowers we found
Sorting by size
Sorting by color

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 4: Science}

Activity: Seasons  
Lesson by Annie

Theme: St. Patrick’s Day       Color: Green

Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child!

Daily Opener:  
1.             Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
2.            Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
3.      ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}. 

Description:  Spring has sprung, your child will learn the four seasons while making trees that make up an entire year.

·      Four pieces of cardboard of some sort.
·      Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown, Light Blue, Dark Green, and Light Green Construction paper.
·      Brown paint
·      Two empty toilet paper rolls
·      A small cup of pop popcorn
·      Scissors
·      Glue
·      String
·      Brown & Black marker

1.              Cut toilet paper rolls in half long ways, so you’ll have four pieces.
2.            Glue a light blue piece of construction paper on each of the card boards.
3.            With child, paint outside of all four rolls brown. These will represent tree trunks.
4.             While it is drying, take a walk outside and let child observe different trees you have around your house. Name the trees for your child.
5.             Stack pieces of orange, yellow, brown, light green, and dark green papers together and cut out little piece of leaves that will go on your trees.
6.             Cut out little circles from the red paper to represent fruit for the Summer Tree.
7.             Pop a bag of popcorn, you can enjoy it while doing this activity with your child. Be sure to save a couple of pieces for your Spring Tree.
8.             Tape a piece of string on the backs of your cardboard, so they can be hung on a wall once finished. See image below.
9.            Once trunks are dry, glue a trunk on each of the four 5 by 7 card boards. Then write the following seasons: WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, and FALL under each trunk.
10.         With your child, start with any season you’d like: Winter: draw limbs with brown marker and no leaves, SPRING: glue light green leaves and popcorn on leaves to represent flowers, SUMMER: glue dark green leaves and red circles to represent apples, and FALL: glue yellow, orange, and brown leaves {See images below}.
11.        Talk about the four seasons in a year, and how the trees change according to the season. Hang finished artwork up to enjoy the entire year! 
Learning Opportunity: 
1.             Your child will learn the four different seasons.
2.            Your child will learn the science in how a tree changes throughout the year.
3.            Your child will learn how to pronounce and spell each season.

Read Aloud:  
My Oak Tree
The oak tree just outside my door

Has its lovely leaves no more,

And now, I wonder, What's it for?

Not shade, nor home for birds to sing.

When leaves return, I'll welcome Spring!

Materials Needed

Glue light blue construction paper over card board

Cut four 5 by 7 pieces

Title each piece with a season

Cut toilet paper rolls in half, a paper towel would work as well

Paint rolls brown, set aside to dry

While paint is drying, go outside and explore different trees around your house

Glue leaves on your trees

Finished piece, ready to be hung up for the year to come!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

*Stallone Tested and Approved: