Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kid’s Corner

{Week 3: Nutrition}

Theme: Snow Days          Color: White

Note: Please visit the link Kid’s Corner to learn how easy it is to complete our lessons with your child! Our Kid’s Corner lessons are guaranteed to have you and your child learning together, growing together, and having fun together.  Enjoy!

Daily Opener:  

  1. Prayer {Say a prayer with your child}
  2. Calendar {Click on the link to learn how to use the calendar}.
  3. ABC / 123 Song {Sing the ABC’s with your child & sing numbers 1-10 with your child}.

Activity:  Oranges {Lesson by Briana} 

Description:  Your child will learn about how healthy oranges are.  They will also paint an orange.

-          Navel Orange
-          Paper Plate
-          Orange paint
-          White construction paper
-          Sharpe or pen

  1. Place the orange on the table.
  2. Write the word orange at the top of the white paper. 
  3. Say and spell the word orange with your child.  Have them trace each letter with their finger.
  4. Discuss with your child the color of an orange.
  5. Tell them some nutritional information about oranges:
    1. Oranges are a winter fruit
    2. Oranges give us Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin C helps us be strong and healthy.
  6. Now, draw a circle on the white paper.
  7. Place some orange paint on the paper plate.
  8. Let your child make an orange by finger-painting and filling in the circle. 
  9. When your child is done hang up his/her artwork in your home.
  10. Have your child talk about his finished piece.
  11. Then, have your child enjoy the orange for a healthy snack!

Learning Opportunity
  1. Your child will learn how to say and spell the word “Orange.”
  2. Your child will learn some facts about oranges.
  3. Your child will gain confidence by creating the art project.
  4. Your child will use his/her imagination when creating the art project.
  5. Your child will learn to discuss what he/she made.

Read Aloud:  
Orange {By Briana Cook}

An orange is a fruit
That is very sweet and yummy
It tastes so good in my tummy

An orange is a fruit
That is very round
It can fall to the ground

An orange is a fruit
That grows on a tree
It tastes so good to me!

Daily Craft: Activity Jar {Click on the link to learn about using the activity jar}

Congratulations: You and your child finished the lesson for the day! What did you think about the lesson today, and what did your child learn?  We’d love to hear your thoughts!           

*Stallone Tested and Approved: {We are so lucky to have Stallone, Annie’s son, test out all of our lessons that we create for you.  We want the lessons to be enjoyable for children, so after each lesson we will post how Stallone did with the lesson in italics under the title, Stallone Tested and Approved}:

Stallone loved the oranges lesson.  He enjoyed tracing his letters with his fingers.  He had a blast!  He loved eating the orange at the end of the lesson.  He had a blast finger painting as well!  Stallone definitely approved this lesson - its a great one!

Materials for lesson.
Stallone tracing the letters "Orange" with his fingers.
Stallone finger painting.  He had so much fun! 

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